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"Mathematics is the alphabet that God used to describe the universe."

Galileo Galilei

Research into creativity in the natural sciences is a central concern of the Center for ScienceTeaching at the Upper Austrian University of Teacher Education. Since 2010, didactics experts in chemistry, physics and biology have been working on the following topics and research questions:


Diagnostic tool for the survey of creative problem solving ability

The DPAS-TEST (Divergent Problem-solving Ability in Science-Test) was developed and evaluated to assess the creative problem-solving ability of adolescents in science tasks.


  • The DPAS test is a valid instrument for both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
  • The DPAS test contains items with general science questions as well as experimental problems.


Intervention studies on flex-based learning

Intervention studies are investigating the effectiveness of flex-based learning on the development of creative problem-solving skills. Over 3,000 adolescents have participated in these empirical studies to date.


  • Through flex-based learning, adolescents' creative problem-solving ability increases in a statistically significant manner.
    Results »
  • Girls in particular benefit more than average from flex-based learning.
    Results »

Researching the courses

Since 2018, courses have been held at the Upper Austrian University of Teacher Education to introduce teachers to the methods and techniques of flex-based learning. The acceptance of divergent classroom management as well as the competence acquisition of the participating teachers is being researched.


  • 95% of teachers report that the course significantly increased their methodological competence in promoting creative problem-solving skills.
  • 87% of the certified teachers used the flex-based learning techniques sustainably in their classes.


Fostering Scientific Creativity in the Classroom: The Concept of Flex-Based Learning

Haim & Aschauer, 2022: International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 196-230.


A Contribution to Scientific Creativity: A Validation Study Measuring Divergent Problem Solving Ability

A Contribution to Scientific Creativity: A Validation Study Measuring Divergent Problem Solving Ability Aschauer, Haim & Weber (2021): Creativity Research Journal.

Diagnose divergenter Denkstrategien bei naturwissenschaftlichen Problemstellungen

Haim, Aschauer & Weber (2020). Diagnose divergenter Denkstrategien bei naturwissenschaftlichen Problemstellungen. In: S. Habig (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen in der Gesellschaft von morgen. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, Jahrestagung in Wien 2019. (S. 381). Universität Duisburg-Essen


Effektive Lehrerfortbildung zur Vermittlung von flex-based learning

Oyrer, Haim & Aschauer (2020). Effektive Lehrerfortbildung zur Vermittlung von flex-based learning. In: S. Habig (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen in der Gesellschaft von morgen. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, Jahrestagung in Wien 2019. (S. 605). Universität Duisburg-Essen


Kreatives Lösungsorientiertes Experimentieren – KLEx

Haim, Kurt (2013). Kreatives Lösungsorientiertes Experimentieren – KLEx In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Chemie in der Schule 4, 62, 34 – 37


KLEx – Eine Experimentiertechnik zur Förderung kreativer Problemlösekompetenz im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht

Haim & Weber (2014). KLEx – Eine Experimentiertechnik zur Förderung kreativer Problemlösekompetenz im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht In: Last oder Lust? Forschung und Lehrer/innenbildung Hrsg. E .Feyerer, K. Hirschenhauser u. K. Soukup-Altrichter, Münster, Waxmann


Innovative FOCUS: A Program to Foster Creativity and Innovation in the Context of Education for Sustainability

Haim, K., & Aschauer, W. (2024). Innovative FOCUS: A Program to Foster Creativity and Innovation in the Context of Education for Sustainability. Sustainability, 16(6), 2257.

The Word-sentence construction (Woseco) task versus the verbal fluency task: Capturing features of scientific creativity via semantic networks

Haim, E., Lai, C. K., Beaty, R., & Stella, M. (2024, April 18). The Word-sentence construction  (Woseco) task versus the verbal fluency task: Capturing features of scientific creativity via semantic networks.

Fostering Creativity in Science Education Reshapes Semantic Memory

Lai, C. K., Haim, E., Aschauer, W., Haim, K., & Beaty, R. (2024, February 27). Fostering Creativity in Science Education Reshapes Semantic Memory.

Automated Scoring of Scientific Creativity in German

Benjamin Goecke, University of Tüubingen
Paul V. DiStefano, Pennsylvania State University
Wolfgang Aschauer, Kurt Haim, University of Education Upper Austria
Roger Beaty, Pennsylvania State University
Boris Forthmann, University of Münster
