"You can tell an innovative idea by the fact that its realization seems impossible from the start."
In the SCHOOL OF CREATIVE SOLUTIONS, highly motivated teachers teach their students the techniques of creative problem solving and work with them on real projects. In this way, young people can develop their creative problem-solving potential and increase their self-efficacy in the process.
Training for teachers
To familiarize teachers with the content of creative problem solving, we offer the annual seminar series "Innovative Problem Solving" for both certified flex teachers and teachers of all subjects. Proven creativity techniques such as "Design Thinking" are presented and tested. Furthermore, project management tools such as "Dragon Dreaming" and topics such as "Empowered Fundraising" are taught.
In specially developed courses called "Creative4Science," young people tackle real-world challenges and develop innovative solutions using various creativity techniques such as "design thinking." In these courses, the young people learn how to take a concrete approach to tackling real-world problems, how to acquire funding, and how to create prototypes and present them to a public audience. The extent to which the school team also works to implement the solutions developed depends on the resources available. A separate school-autonomous curriculum for electives or non-binding exercises has been developed for these courses.
Goals for sustainable development
The problems that school teams face can come from the school itself or from the immediate environment such as communities, companies or institutions. The focus is on projects that are in line with the 17 goals set by the United Nations for sustainable development on our planet. Thus, school teams develop innovative solutions from topics such as "Climate Protection", "Sustainable Consumption", "Protection of Ecosystems", "Ecological Energy", "High Quality Education", etc.
Network of schools
The Upper Austrian University of Teacher Education is working on the continuous development of an ever-growing network of schools that have been awarded the "SCHOOL OF CREATIVE SOLUTIONS" certificate. The aim is to bring together expertise and exchange between school think tanks so that they can work together on the challenges of the future. Students and teachers can pool their resources, develop a sense of community, and experience the power of participatory action.