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Creative Personality

"Creativity breaks life open, grows new strength, and leads you to yourself."

Marion T. Douret

At the heart of CREATIVE PERSONALITY is the awakening of a creative mind and a creative attitude. By means of special programs we promote self-efficacy and strengthen creative personality traits, combined with true team spirit.



With the help of Dr. Carol Dweck's program, we awaken the "growth mindset" in young people. With this, we train personality traits such as determination, fault tolerance and the conviction that they can solve future problems.



Embodiment emphasizes the interaction between body and psyche. Posture and movement influence thinking styles, attitudes and self-confidence. With the help of the concept of embodiment, we promote openness to new things, mindfulness and the courage to go new ways. Techniques such as asynchronous movements and juggling are used in the course.


Qigong & Meditation

Qigong is a combination of meditation, breathing techniques, concentration and movement. Qigong leads to a calming of the mind, a physical and mental relaxation and thus to increased mindfulness. Thus, Qigong helps to develop the creative potential in oneself. In the training program, teachers are familiarized with the principles from Qigong as well as with central exercises from the first Shibashi set.


[Translate to Englisch:] Qigong-Tutorial zur Stärkung einer kreativen Persönlichkeit

[Translate to Englisch:]

Qigong ist eine Kombination aus Meditation, Atemtechnik, Konzentration und Bewegung. Neben einer Stärkung der körperlichen Fitness führt Qigong zu einer Beruhigung des Geistes, körperlicher und mentaler Entspannung und damit zu einer erhöhten Achtsamkeit.
Im folgenden Qigong-Tutorial werden anhand von 9 Videos 18 Übungen aus dem 1. Shibashi-Set vorgestellt. Zusätzlich beginnt jedes Video mit Gedanken, wie die Philosophie von Qigong helfen kann, das kreative Potential zu entfalten.

Hier finden Sie einige Vorschläge für eine Musikliste für die Qigong Übungen.